Red dragon landscape
Red dragon landscape

red dragon landscape

Dissected leaves reportedly resemble the claws of a dragon, hence the cultivar name. Vibrant burgundy-red foliage is held long into the season but eventually fades to green and then yellow-gold in fall. Leaves retain good color throughout the growing season. Leaves emerge bright cherry red in spring, mature to burgundy red in summer before finally changing to crimson red in fall. Red Dragon landscaping specialise in synthetic turf and also provide a service for all your landscaping needs at. Seven-lobed leaves are deeply cut to the leaf base. Red Dragon Landscaping, Mandurah, Western Australia. 'Red Dragon' is a compact, slow-growing, dissected form that typically matures over time in an upright-pendulous mound to 6-8' tall. Each leaf has several lobes (typically 5–7) that all originate from one point looking like an open hand with outstretched fingers. The red dragonhides and dragon bones that they drop are worth substantial amounts of money. As with all adult dragons, an anti-dragon shield and/or antifire potion is essential when fighting them to mitigate damage from their dragonfire. Specific epithet is in reference to the palmate nature of the leaves. Red dragons are second-to-most powerful of the adult chromatic dragons. Genus name is the Latin name for a maple tree.

red dragon landscape Dissectum means deeply cut in reference to the deeply cut, feathery nature of the leaves.
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These dissected-leaf shrubs are commonly called laceleaf Japanese maple, cutleaf Japanese maple or threadleaf Japanese maple. Palmate leaves, each having 7-11 deeply incised lobes, are deeply cut to the base of the leaf. dissectum is typically a much smaller, rounded, slow-growing shrubby form (often with cascading branching) that rarely matures to more than 12' tall with a larger spread. Fall color includes an often spectacular combination of shades of yellow, red, purple and bronze. Small reddish-purple flowers in umbels bloom in spring (April) followed by winged samaras in pairs which ripen in September-October. Each palmate green leaf (2-5" long) has 5 to 7 but less frequently 9 toothed lobes. General plant form is rounded to broad-rounded, often with low branching. Acer palmatum, commonly called Japanese Maple, is a deciduous shrub or small tree that typically grows to 10-25' (infrequently to 40') tall.

Red dragon landscape